BBK DAV College for Women’s Special Help Desk streamlines the admission process - BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar

BBK DAV College for Women’s Special Help Desk streamlines the admission process

BBK DAV College for Women created a special Help Desk to facilitate the admission process and resolve queries and concerns of the students seeking admission.

The Help Desk consists of Prof. Kiran Gupta, Prof. Manoj Puri, Prof. Anurag Gupta, Prof. Shefali Johar, and Prof. Hardeep Singh, who assist students with issues regarding the application requirements, guidance on form completion, or clarification on admission policies. This initiative has proven immensely helpful to students, enabling them to successfully register on the Centralized Online Portal of the Punjab Government.

Emphasizing the need to take such an initiative, Principal Dr. Pushpinder Walia stated that the success of our college lies in the collective achievements of our students, and it begins with a smooth admission process. The Help Desk is a valuable addition that will provide personalized support to each student, ensuring a seamless and stress-free journey into our institution. Principal Dr. Walia further added that we should strive to foster an environment where every student feels welcomed, supported, and excited to embark on their educational journey with the college.

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