News Archives - Page 25 of 47 - BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar

The college awarded with Best Institution Award-2020

BBK DAV College for Women was awarded the Best Institution Award-2020, as part of the International Educational Institution Awards 2020, organized by Patanjali College of Yoga & Research Centre, recognized by Yoga Alliance International and affiliated to International Yoga Federation. This award was received by Principal Dr. Pushpinder Walia via online mode on 20th December, […]

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BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar, Celebrates Lohri with fervor

BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar, celebrated the festival of Lohri with great fervor and enthusiasm.  Principal Dr. Pushpinder Walia lit the bonfire and distributed the special Lohri delicacies of rewaries, gachaks, groundnuts etc. The students of the Department of Punjabi performed giddha. The Department of Music sang traditional Punjabi songs mirroring the zestful Punjabi life. [...] Read More

The college organises a Holy Havan to usher in the New Year 2021

BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar organised a holy havan to give an auspicious start to the new year on January 1, 2021. To seek the blessings of God, Principal Dr. Pushpinder Walia, Sh. Sudarshan Kapoor, Chairman, LMC, along with members of the teaching and non-teaching staff, prayed for the progress, prosperity and well-being of [...] Read More

Principal of the college welcomes the new Vice-Principal

Mr. Sundeep Zutshi, Head, Department of Applied Arts and Dean, Publications, BBK DAV College for Women was appointed as the new Vice-Principal in November 2020. Principal Dr. Pushpinder Walia congratulated Mr. Zutshi on his new appointment and extolled his diligence and scrupulous faithfulness towards the welfare of the college. She acknowledged that he has always [...] Read More

The college organizes a special Vedic Havan on Rishi Nirvana Utsav

BBK DAV College For Women organized a special Vedic Havan to pay a tribute to Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati Ji and Mahatma Anand Swami Ji on their Nirvana Day. On this auspicious occasion, Sh. Sudarshan Kapoor, Chairman, Local advisory committee, acted as the ‘Yajman’ and was joined by Principal Dr. Pushpinder Walia.    Principal Dr. Walia expressed her gratitude to God for His blessings and welcomed […]

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The college introduces five more vocational courses, including two that are PG, taking the total number of such courses from five to 12.

BBK DAV College for Women, Amritsar, introduced five new vocational degree courses, namely, M.Voc in Apparel/Fashion Technology, M.Voc in Retail Management, B.Voc in Healthcare/Health Care and Hospital Administration, B.Voc in Healthcare/Nutrition and Dietetics and B.Voc in Tourism and Hospitality Management in the academic session 2020-2021. UGC has accorded approval and sanction for introduction of these […]

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